Become A Freeport Speech Supporter
If you'd like to become a sponsor of Free(port) Speech events, please reach out to us at admin@freeportspeech.org.
We rely on our Season Supporters to bring you our extraordinary Freeport Speech speaker series. We have three levels of support:
Season Supporters: $500.00
This is our largest group and our broadest base. This provides support to
our operations. -
Community Season Supporters: $1,000.00
Individuals, couples, and local businesses and organizations who want to specially support our efforts to "give back" to the community. -
Lead Sponsors: $2,500.00
Those who want to both support help us call out attention to a specific
event and "give back" to the community through that event.
As a 501(c)(3), all contributions to Freeport Speech are fully tax deductible (TIN 87-3078591).
If you'd like to become a sponsor of Free(port) Speech events, please reach out to us at